Getting Things Setup for Creating Content

It has been a few weeks since I made plans to spend part of my time creating content about technology, news, tutorials, and just life. The other part of my time will be building my IT business. But for creating content, I have been getting websites situated, hardware and spaces set up, and just getting things planned out.

One thing I know I must make sure I spend time on is editing content. This can be text, images, video, or audio. Writing has never been my specialty, so using a few tools together, I hope I can at least spell things correctly and hope sentences make as much sense. Using both Word and Grammarly, I should catch most of the problems. I will also need to read everything a few times before just poking post. I have already found problems because I do not reread my text.

Images and videos should not be too much of a problem for me. I do not expect them to be the prettiest things at first, but getting the message out is the starting point. I have plans to do almost no editing to the videos of me just talking about things I think of. But I will put more work into making sure I give people useful information in a clean way when doing tutorials.

Most people that have been doing content creation for a while telling you just to start doing it. That is hard for a lot of people because when you start, it’s always not that good. I need to take that advice and push forward this week and get some time in making videos and publishing at least a few tutorial starters pages. I also seem to be using this site as a place for me to memory dump my thoughts on things I am working on, it will get better as I do more, and more details will probably get dumped here.

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