WebLuke.net has been my website for posting random stuff for over 20+ years. I was putting up little updates on my life and hobbies long before the term blog was coined on this domain. I have also been a firm believer in hosting my own content so I can control my own content, this is even more important in the days of big tech being able to drop content creators at their own behest. I also see how big tech makes huge profits of other people’s content only giving them a little bit off the side if they even allow you to make money off your content.
I enjoy playing video games, working on websites, playing with computer hardware and software, learning new things about photography, and working with anything in the IT field.
This Site doesn’t get updated as much as I wish it could but I just don’t think to write-up things I learned too often. If I can get myself to write-up the things I find out more the site may get updated more often.
Currently, I am working on rebuilding a site called Tek4.Me that I will be updating with tutorials, news, videos, and discussion about IT, software, and anything else nerdy/geeky I come up with. This was going to be another technology news blog, but that got lame so I am now rebuilding.
Hope you enjoy the site, my websites are not my full-time job so they may get ignored from time to time. Let me know if you have any ideas of things I could help people with.