Just wanted to post a Happy New Year message for 2013, and put out some goals for my websites. This year I have had amazing amounts of traffic to my Handbreake setup guide with almost 600 views in one day to the site the 27th of December 2012. I also started the Tek4.Me site that was starting to get good amounts of traffic but I stopped updating the site the past few months when I change some of my plans, but I am not going to abandon the site more to come on that.
I have been working on building a recipe site for learning and also just for fun, I also have in the works a event listing site that will be my next ground up web project that I hope will become a good place to find events and also post events.
As for WebLuke.Net and Tek4.Me, I have set a goal to blog post every day, my not be on both sites but I should have something. I have set goals like this before but things are changing, this domain is 12 years old, I am starting some new schooling this month and I want to include blogging in my new daily plan.
Hope the year is good for everyone, and we both can work hard to achieve our goals and plans for 2013.